(In)Security Camera

Description (in English)

The (In)Security Camera is a robotic surveillance camera with advanced computer-vision software that can track, zoom, and follow subjects walking through its field of view, assessing threat levels in real time and responding accordingly.

However, the camera is, in fact, a little insecure. Easily startled by sudden movements, it is shy around strangers and tends to avoid direct eye contact. The intention in creating the (In)Security Camera is to invert the relationship between the surveillance system and its subjects, giving the machine an element of human personality and fallibility that is by turns endearing, tragic, and slightly disturbing. This behavioral reversal can be read as an expression of the anxieties and fears underlying the security camera’s authoritative role; as an anti-voyeuristic refusal of visual pleasure; or as a kind of withdrawal, avoiding difficult questions and challenges.

Source: http://silviaruzanka.com/art/insecurity-camera/

Situation machine vision is used in

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