Outra 33 Bienal de SĂŁo Paulo

Description (in English)

Beyond the official discourse, there are other possible ways of understanding the 33rd Biennial. With the collaboration of researcher Gabriel Pereira, programmer Bernardo Fontes, producer Nina Bamberg and designer Guilherme Falcão, I created alternative modes of comprehending the exhibition: Artificial Intelligence analysis of the Biennial’s images; audio guide tracks with the commentary of guards, exhibit technicians, and cleaning workers; Biennial text’s extensions; unconventional recordings of the setup; records of the reactions of the audience, etc. Departing from four purposely broad questions: what is presence today? What do non-experts have to say? What reverberates? And what is left? - this project will constitute an alternative archive to that of the institution and will investigate the stages of creation of the official discourse. Thus, researchers will have access to a material that reveals part of the functioning of the art system and that stimulates experimental research on the 33rd Biennial.
Source: https://brunomoreschi.com/Outra-33-Bienal

Among other projects in the "Decoded Records: construction of the spectacle" part of the project different computer vision systems were used to analyse the setup of the Bienal.

"The different stages of the setup of the 33rd Bienal were recorded by filmmaker Ana Cris Lyra, based on various experiments in nontraditional filming. Edited by Luara Oliveira and directed by Bruno Moreschi, the material is used to understand the cataloging operation of different computer vision systems.

The video is also shown in the Biennial’s visitor storage locker area, an intermediate space between the outside and the inside of the exhibition."

Source: https://outra33.bienal.org.br/en/acao/construcao-do-espetaculo/

Researched by Graziele Lautenschlaeger

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