2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)(Video communication with Mission Control)

Brief description

Hal keeps saying that the AE-35 unit, one of the parts aligning the antenna with the Earth and enabling communication, is about to fail. The mission control sends a delayed (due to the time it takes for the radio waves to travel the distance; the ship is somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn at this point) video communique to Discovery saying that HAL needs to be disconnected and control switched to Earth's computers in order to resolve a programming conflict in HAL's prediction unit that is causing him to erroneously predict the failure of the AE-35 unit. Hal reacts by breaking the connection and activating an alert about the failure of the AE-35 unit, which causes Bowman and Poole to start seriously suspecting Hal of wrongdoing. (p. 135)

Pull Quotes

"It was unusual for Mission Control to waste radio bandwidth on vision, when a speech circuit with teletype confirmation was all that was really necessary. And the face that appeared on the screen was not of the usual controller; it was the Chief Programmer, Dr. Simonson. Poole and Bowman knew at once that this could only mean trouble." (p. 135)

Work that the situation appears in

Who does what?
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Based on description and pulled quote I added Suspecting to the human characters and added HAL (also tech general AI) with verbs Suspected and Predicting.

Authored by
