3% (Emotion Recognition in Interviews)

Brief description

The first task in the selection process is an interview. A screen separates the participants from the interviewers, where the screen looks like regular glass to the participants. On the interviewer's side, the screen contains information about and analysis of the participants, for instance a visual representation and analysis of their facial expressions.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
3% Narrative, TV series or episode Pedro Aguilera
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Here the goal is clearly to classify people into different types. For example the system is detecting resilience hence classifying the interviewed as a resilient person. Added Interviewed Young Adults as a character as they are 20 when this is taking places. I also added verbs for interviewing as this is what is described to take place. I added Aesthetic characteristics and colors.(Linda)

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