Blade Runner 2049 (Luv uses a dead woman's face to access data)

Brief description

1.35.59 - After killing Lieutenant Joshi, Luv is holding the face of K's dead boss'  in front of a camera, and the screen is showing facial recognition as form of identification. Luv gains access to Lieutenant Joshi working station searching for K's location using satellite imaging and tracking.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Blade Runner 2049 Narrative, Movie Denis Villeneuve
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Added Lieutenant Joshi as a character because I thought it is relevant as she is killed and her dead face is used to access the location information of K. I used Deceiving and Deceived in a similar manner as in Minority Report with the iris scan. (Linda)

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