Gnomon (Inspector Neith looks into the camera)

Brief description

Inspector Neith looks into the camera, and is being analysed by the Witness, a benevolent AI. Second paragraph of the novel. 

Pull Quotes

She is looking straight into the camera and her sincerity is palpable. A dozen different mood assessment softwares examine the muscles around her mouth and eyes. Her microexpressions verify her words. As a matter of course, the more sophisticated algorithms check for the telltale marks of Botox and of bioelectric stimulators that might allow her to fake that painful honesty, but no one really expects to find anything, and no one does.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Gnomon Narrative, Novel Nick Harkaway
Who does what?
This technology
This technology
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
