The Last Human (XR_935 analysing face)

Brief description

XRS_935 is rescuing Emma from a locked container. Him and his robot friends are opening the door and Emma pops her head through the door. She looks down with wide open eyes and the robot analyses her face to understand what she is feeling.

Pull Quotes

Hun så ned med vidåpne øyne. Jeg analyserte ansiktstrekkene hennes. Utrykket hennes var ein merkelig blanding av lettelse og frykt. Lettelse fordi: Hun var ikke lenger fanget inne i containeren. Frykt fordi: Containeren var høyt over bakken, og den steg høyere for hvert millisekund som gikk. 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
The Last Human Narrative, Novel Lee Bacon
Who does what?
This character
This technology
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.

Authored by
