Neo Cab (Feelgrid emotion device)

Brief description

Lina wears a Feelgrid, a kind of mood bracelet displaying her emotions to herself and others. It analyzes the blood and is called a "bio feedback device".  It is a gift from her best friend Savy, although Savy's reasons for giving it are more sinister than having one's "true feelings" visible. Lina's a bit skeptical at first, but soon checks the self-help gone surveillance device. During gameplay, she can't do or say things that go against her current mood. The Feelgrid also connects with YEARN that analyzes Feelgrid as well as all other data on the CapraNet to tell Lina what she wants/needs - to sell.


Pull Quotes

"Tune in to your emotional awareness and live your most authentic life."

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Neo Cab Game Chance Agency
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Is this MV? -R
The bracelet in itself is not MV I guess, but the emotions it displays must be recognized somehow, and the most likely way is through MV - emotion recognition via facial/posture recognition, so I guess yes?

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