Osmosis (VR Dating App)

Brief description

Osmosis, though not yet on the market, is not the only dating app. In the first scene in episode 1, Esther is testing an app offered by the competition, although we only realise this is what is happening when she is abruptly interrupted by Martin, the AI, who tells her she is late for a meeting. Esther walks up the elegant stairs of a large mansion in Virtual Reality, searching for a potential date. She walks past dozens of well-dressed men, all looking at her, as though at a cocktail party. Each man has an information graphic next to their face: their name, age, stars out of five and the worlds "Perfect match" in white on a deep red background. When she selects one, the others disappear, and the scene cuts to an erotic scene between Esther and the man she chose. 

This process and the way the men are presented can be compared to the to the dating apps of today, except fully in VR, where the potential dates look like real men and are not just represented through photographs.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Osmosis Narrative, TV series or episode Audrey Fouché
Who does what?
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
