Red Queen (Electric eyes)

Brief description

The country Norta, and especially the Silver cities, are explained to have cameras watching everywhere. In addition, the protagonist (Mare) has the ability to create and control electricity, enabling her to feel these cameras. In the beginning, she's only a target for these, but towards the end of the story, she pretends in front of them and can turn them off.

Pull Quotes

What concern me most are the black video cameras hidden in the canopy or alleyways. There are only a few at home (...) but they're all over the market. I can just hear them humming in firm reminder: someone else is watching here.

Boxy black cameras watch me as I run at full speed (...) I can feel them, hunting like the Sentinels not so far behind me.

The cameras are here as well. My skin crawls, feeling their electric gaze running over my bones. (...) Only when we pass through a monstrous set of doors does the electric sensation pass. The eyes cannot see me here.

(...) but the cameras follow us with heavy, electric eyes.

I can feel the lights still pulsing with electricity, but no cameras. No eyes. Elara cannot see me here. 'Why isn't anyone watching us?'

Without the cameras and Elara's eyes, we can spend our time discovering what I really am.

My voice breaks when I finally speak again. 'The cameras, the cameras can see.' 'Sentinels sworn to my mother man the cameras, trust me, they aren't what we should be worrying about,' Maven says, almost tripping over his words.

I put a hand to my heart, letting myself look shocked for the cameras.

The sight line of my room's cameras beat into my back, reminding me I am not alone.

The cameras fall like trees before the ax, each little eye clicking off as I walk to Maven's room.

To my surprise, the screens flicker, switching from the image of Cal and me to something grainy - security footage, from all the cameras, all the electric eyes.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Red Queen Narrative, Novel Victoria Aveyard
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
