SelfieCity (The Selfiexploratory)

Brief description

3200 Instagram selfies can be explored according to given attributes including age and gender, if a persons eyes or mouth is open or closed or if the person is wearing glasses. The images can also be sorted according to pose or moods such as calm, angry and happy. The selfies were selected by Mechanical Turk workers (2-4) in another round they also classified the gender and estimated the age of the person in the single selfies: "We submitted these photos to Mechanical Turk again, asking three "master workers" (i.e. more skilled workers) not only to verify that a photo shows a single selfie, but also to guess the age and gender of the person. "(1)

Also face recognition software was used to analyze if the person was wearing glasses?, to classify mood (emotion recognition), and supplying estimations of eye, nose and mouth positions. Also, two members of the project team examined all the photos manually correcting some mistakes: "As the final step, one or two members of the project team examined all these photos manually. While most photos were tagged correctly, we found some mistakes."(1)

Source 1)

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
SelfieCity Art Lev Manovich, Jay Chow, Moritz Stefaner
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
