Star Trek: Into Darkness (Kirk watching 3D imaged scene of explosion)

Brief description

At about 24:39: Kirk is watching 3D surveillance shots from after the explosion during a meeting related to the attack at the Starfleet HQ. One can tell it is a 3D image from the way  it behaves when zoomed in, as Kirk kan see the people from all sides and zoom in whatever direction necessary. It seems created by the use of some sort of machine vision.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Star Trek: Into Darkness Narrative, Movie Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
For me it looks like this is a 3D reconstruction of Surveillance camera footage, so I added surveillance cameras with recording and some other verbs. I also added Khan Noonien Singh as he and his motives are being investigated.

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