Bouvetøya 2052 (A fake hologram of Wu Lo is updating the contestants)

Brief description

The contestants are unaware that the holograms that are appearing after the first day gives them information from are fake. The real Wu Lo is taken prisoner and the traitors have made precalibrated fake holograms of Wu Lo sending messages to the group. The only sign that something is not right is that the signal is weaker and the image is lagging. The group notices and isn't sure what to do with it. The traitors reveal that the holograms were fake to Roland when he has boarded "Hanse Explorer" in the end of the novel.

Pull Quotes

The contestants positioned themselves in a half circle in front of the bunker and waited for Wu Lo to appear. And rightly so: Immediately the hologram of the Asian Web-gründer slowly appeared between them. But the image seemed a bit weaker than the day before. Parts of Wu Lo's body were unclear and miscoloured. Green, lagging pitches came and went, especially on his upper body and in his face. 

(Deltakarane stilte seg i ein halvsirkel framfor bunkersen og venta på at Wu Lo skulle dukke opp. Og ganske riktig: Like etter prikka hologrammet av den asiatiske nettgründeren sakte fram mellom dei. Men bildet verka liksom svakare enn dagen i førevegen. Delar av kroppen til Wu Lo var utydeleg og misfarga. Grøne, skurrande flekker kom og gjekk, særleg på overkroppen og i ansiktet.)

s. 188 

At the same time the hologram of Wu Lo now became even more unclear. His face was about to be completely erased in the green flickering. Also the voice became weaker and more lagging. (...) And then the hologram disappeared in a crackling blaff. What was this green lag? A bug in the holo-projector? Locally down here? Or a bigger system error on the Web? The contestants looked at each other hesitantly. 

(Samtidig blei hologrammet av Wu Lo no enda meir utydeleg. Ansiktet hans var i ferd med å bli viska heilt bort i det grøne flimmeret. Også stemma blei gradvis svakare og meir hakkete. Så forsvann hologrammet i eit knitrande blaff. Kva var dette grøne flimmeret for noko? Ein bug i holo-projektoren? Lokalt her nede? Eller ein større systemfeil på Nettet? Deltakarane sende kvarandre nølande blikk.)

s. 189-190

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Bouvetøya 2052 Narrative, Novel Lars Mæhle
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
