Bouvetøya 2052 (Grol and Armin are using holograms to look at the Bouvet Island)

Brief description

When in "Hanse Explorer" Grol and Armin are looking at holograms to get a view of the Bouvet Island. Their task is to prepare the competition and ensure safety during it. The holograms are depicting what different cameras are filming at the island (there is no interactions with the cameras, therefore they are not included as a technology). Among the holograms are a hologram showing the live broadcast from the reality show Bouvetøya 2052. 

Pull Quotes

Grol tried to push the gloomy thoughts away. Instead he lent over to Armin, who sat immersed before the multi projector and the many small holograms. Most of them were reflections of the most important locations on the Bouvet Island. The cameras were put up on different places in Nyrøysa, while one showed the wooden cabin on the Larsøy, their distant depot on the islet south west of the island. The last hologram showed the live broadcasts from Bouvetøya 2052 on the Web. 

(Grol forsøkte å skyve dei dystre grubleria bort. Han bøygde seg i staden mot Armin, som sat fordjupa framfor multiframvisaren og dei mange, små hologramma. Dei fleste var refleksjonar av dei viktigaste punkta på Bouvetøya. Kameraa var sett opp på ulike stader i Nyrøysa, mens eitt viste trebua på Larsøya, fjernlageret deira på holmen sørvest for sjølve øya. Det siste hologrammet viste livesendigane frå Bouvetøya 2052 på Nettet.) 

s. 9 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Bouvetøya 2052 Narrative, Novel Lars Mæhle
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
