VOIGHT-KAMPFF (eye movements analysed)

Brief description

Involuntary eye movements are measured and analysed while stress questions are asked to determine to what extent participants align with the ideal behaviors internalized by the ideological apparatus of the Cuban government.

The technology measures the level of how automation in answering questions. This is used to classify weather citizen is confined to the ideological apparatus or suspect not to have internalized the ideal behavior.

The title of the work references the Voight-Kampff test in Bladerunner, where a series of questions was administered while eye motion and other biometric data was analysed to assess whether a person was a replicant or not.  

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
VOIGHT-KAMPFF Art, Installation art Yonlay Cabrera
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Linda - should this have the classified/classifying tags? I added this situation and also moved work from Other to Art - an alternative might be to delete it? There is very little info about the work online, but I think it's fair to describe it as art since it's made by a media artist and exhibited at Ars Electronica?? - Jill 12.06.2021
I think classified/classifying fits here in the sens that the person is classified either aligning to the ideologies or suspicious based on the measured results. Links with classifying suspicious behavior, what is expected to be correct and false behavior.
Linda 14.06.2021

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