2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)(HAL 9000's many camera-eyes)

Brief description

There are several scenes in which HAL's task to monitor and watch over, as well as his camera-eyes are mentioned. He uses camera to surveil the entire ship, and his "eyes" are everywhere.

Scene 1:
When their mission near Saturn is complete, the whole crew will go into hibernation and wait for the Discovery II to recover them, with HAL 9000 watching over them. They do not have the fuel or the supplies to get back on their own. This will never come to pass, as the mission goes another way entirely. (quote 1, p. 87)

Scene 2:
 Hal's primary task is to monitor the ship and the crew. Though the visual part of monitoring is not explicitly mentioned, it follows from the description. (quote 2, p. 93)

Scene 3:
Right after Poole is killed, Bowman is in a state of shock, but aware of Hal increasingly deceitful and hostile behaviour, as well as his lense eyes. (quote 3, p. 146)

Pull Quotes

Quote 1:
"At the end of the hundred days, Discovery would close down. All the crew would go into hibernation; only the essential systems would continue to operate, watched over by the ship's tireless electronic brain." (p. 87)

Quote 2:
"His [HAL's] prime task was to monitor the life-support systems, continually checking oxygen pressure, temperature, hull leakage, radiation, and all the other interlocking factors upon which the lives of the fragile human cargo depended. He could carry out the intricate navigational correction, and execute the necessary flight manoeuvres when it was time to change course. And he would watch over the hibernators, making any necessary adjustments to their environment and doling out the minute quantities of intravenous fluids to keep them alive." (p. 93)

Quote 3:
"Directly opposite him was one of the fisheye lenses, scattered at strategic spots throughout the ship, which provided Hal with his onboard visual inputs. Bowman stared at it as if he had never seen it before; then he rose slowly to his feet and walked toward the lens. His movement in the field of view must have triggered something int he unfathomable mind that was now ruling over the ship; for suddenly, Hal spoke." (p. 146)

Work that the situation appears in

Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Added Monitoring to AI and HAL as also the sleeping crew members are monitored and monitor is used in the quote. And I added triggering to Bowman as it is also used in the quote, it is like HAL is sensing his emotions (Linda)

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