Belief Systems (Shopping for kettle with face)

Brief description

Most of the technology in this video is emotion recogntion based, but I have chosen to focus on the "surprise vending machine". Which analyses face expressions of the person browsing the wares and based on the expression finds their favorite and picks it out for them, which leaves them surprised.

Pull Quotes

"In visual backward masking, the visibility of a briefly presented image is disrupted by a mask image that is presented shortly thereafter. The recipient will show emotional reactions without consciously processing the first image. Surprise Vending Machines show an array of products from a selected category and deliver the favorite item according to facial expression analysis. People will be surprised and still get the product they want."

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Belief Systems Art, Video art Bernhard Hopfengärnter
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
The situation is at 05:45
Linda added verbs Classifying and deciding because the machine classifies the emotion and makes a decision on the behalf of the consumer based on it. I also added the Consumer as a character and added some verbs.

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