My Holo Love (Go Yoo-Jin Protects Holo Glasses)

Brief description

After the car chase Go Yoo-Jin and Holo is on foot, trying to evade the people chasing them. Yoo-Jin realize that she need to drop the glasses, and Holo is helping her to find reliable people who`s bag they can drop the glasses in. Holo finds this woman that seems like a good choice and Yoo-Jin drops them in the stranger womans bag. Right after Yoo-Jin is taken by the men chasing her, but after realizing that she is missing the glasses they drop her off.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
My Holo Love Narrative, TV series or episode Lee Sang-Yeob
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.
I added classify/classified here because the AI/Facial recognition is sorting people into reliable or non reliable people giving them a % score. I added Humans in General and verbs (Linda)

Authored by
