Upload (Nathan controls real world)

Brief description

Nathan was in a video chat with Nora when she discovered the intruder in her home and jumped out the window, followed closely by the would-be assassin. Nathan uses the "icon" Nora gave him that gives him access to the code of the VR world he lives in, and he uses it to connect to surveillance cameras and city blueprints around Nora's apartment. He calls Nora on her phone, and as she runs he tells her to enter a building, get in a lift and go to the second floor, then run down the stairs. When he sees her assailant enter another lift, Nathan takes control of the lift, forcing it to go up and down very fast. When the lift finally opens its doors again on the ground floor, people standing outside gasp as they see the bloody gory mess inside, all that is left of Nora's assailant.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Upload Narrative, TV series or episode Greg Daniels
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
