Dystopia (Cyborg hacks drones)

Brief description

A cyborg is having a face to face fight with a man and just as the man is down, his wristband is activated and three killer drones appear to take out the cyborg. The cyborg is punching one drone and extracts two wires from it and connects it to cyborg. The drones are hacked and are now turning on the man and lasers him violently into his face until his skin falls of.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Dystopia Narrative, Music video Megadeath
Who does what?
This technology
This character
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
I considered deleting this, as the cameras in the drones are really not emphasised. But I suppose they must have cameras to be able to function as they do so I guess it counts as machine vision. - Jill 13.06.2021

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