A Song for a New Day (facial recognition for payment)

Brief description

Rosemary pays by smiling at a camera, thinking "it was nice to feel known."

Pull Quotes

Her mother was waiting for her in an isolation booth at Micky’s. She unlocked the door and grabbed the handle of the rolling bag, squeezing Rosemary’s hand for a moment before pulling the bag onto the seat beside her. Rosemary took the opposite bench. They both ordered the macaroni and cheese without even bothering to scroll through the menu screens, and she paid for both her own and her mother’s meal, with a smile into the camera; it was nice to feel known.

Pinsker, Sarah. A Song for a New Day (p. 117). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
A Song for a New Day Narrative, Novel Sarah Pinsker
Who does what?
This character
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
