
Description (in English)

The tech billionaire Sobol programmed a distributed AI, called the Daemon, that upon finding his obituary in the newspaper sets up a complex network of human and tech components to work the will of its creator posthumously. The first of the two books, Daemon, portrays this AI as dangerous and violent, but in the second book, Freedom, it helps its recruits to create a more just society, connected by the protective AI. 

See also: 

Hayles, N. Katherine. “Brain Imaging and the Epistemology of Vision: Daniel Suarez’s Daemon and Freedom.” MFS Modern Fiction Studies 61, no. 2 (June 25, 2015): 320–34. https://doi.org/10.1353/mfs.2015.0025.

Pull Quotes

CIA: “Artificial intelligence? You’re not serious?” DARPA: “Let me be clear: this is not a thinking, talking, sentient machine. This is narrow AI—like a character in a computer game. It’s a collection of specific rules searching for recognizable patterns or events. Very basic. Nonetheless, very potent. It can alter course based on what’s occurring in the real world, but it can’t innovate or deviate from its given parameters. It required an incredible amount of planning. The name the press gave it is apt: it’s basically a daemon. A distributed daemon.” (page 106)

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